Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Daddy's home

Daddy's home, and Josephine wouldn't leave his side. We stopped at a restaurant on the way back from the airport, and she was hugging him and crawling on him and decidedly all-Daddy's girl. And anytime he went away - like to walk the dog this morning - she burst into tears.

We managed well, but I am definitely one happy mama to have Sean back. And he brought me chocolate. (which supposedly I am not allowed to eat all in one sitting! fancy that!)

Last night, however, I woke at 1:30 a.m. and could not fall back asleep. Jo crawled into our bed and was kicking me. New Baby inside decided to have a karate-tap-dancing session, so was kicking me. Billy started up with his avid early morn licking fest, so I was kicking him. Sean was buried somewhere in the covers, catching up on much-needed sleep.

Even after taking Jo back to her bed, exporting the dog, and writing for a while, I was still wide awake (and new baby still quite enthusiastically doing the whole tap sequence in the rain from Singing in the Rain over and over). Somewhere around 5 I think I drifted off.

Still, we were a happy bunch waking up this morning, sleep-deprived or jet-lagged or not.

Happy Wednesday!

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