Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Four generations together - it was quite something. Josephine bloomed in the light of all that love.

During their week-long stay, the crew went to church, to the mall, to Monticello, the children's museum, to lunch with Sean's parents, and more. See the slideshow of the visit here.

It's mother's day today, and as I post these photos and recall the visit, I feel overwhelmed by the blessing of all my mothers - my mother in law, Phyllis, who has treated me with such kindness and generosity, and who makes me laugh; my grandmother, Harriet, the toughest, wittiest, wryest 87-year-old there is; my stepmother, Cynthia, who has been there for me and taught me about grace; and of course, my mother-mother, Helen
, of whom I am so proud for so many reasons, a woman who keeps challenging herself and learning and growing and thinking, who never stops loving the world with open arms. I love you, Mom! I love you, all my mothers! And of course, I am a mother, now, too, which has truly made my heart full to overflowing. A little girl called me "Josie's mom" yesterday - I've never been called that before. Wow. I'm somebody's mother. Wow. This is a very happy day of mothers.

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