Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It's (not a pink, though) Christmas!

1 - Not sure why, but while daddy and i strapping the tree to the top of the car, josephine burst into tears and sobbed all the way home. The rope was scary?

2 - However, she was all delight that we had brought "Christmas - home!" and danced around, enchanted, as we struggled to make the darn thing stay vertical, and then untangled the nest of lights

3 - Obviously, the lesson of Christmas for a two year old is "Wait." (not Peace or Giving or Love or anything else -just Wait.) Because she is not so great at not opening all the windows on the advent calendar, and already tore into one of the presents under the tree

4 - At one point, she did look up at the multicolored tree and request that we have a Pink Christmas... maybe next year?

5 - First thing out of her mouth this morning: "Angel - top - tree!"

(FYI, even though she is speaking in more and more complete 3, 4, and even 5 word sentences (the other day out came a clear "Put it in there"), mostly her communications sound like robotic blurts...

6 - For the My Child is Brilliant File: On the floor of the store last night (buying rope for the traumatic tree-tying), Josephine spotted a scrap of cardboard and declared it "Six!" It was, indeed, in the shape -unintentionally so - of a six, if you were using your imagination. How in the world did she see that? How does she know that number?

7 - In the Your Turn to Burn, Mommy File: following my post yesterday about "Old Daddy" - an older, angular-looking woman in glasses was on the TV last night - we were watching the city council meeting - and Josephine said, "That Mommy?" "No, I'm right here." "OH. Oh. OLD Mommy." Not to insult the woman but - I wasn't too thrilled... Great. Just great.

1 comment:

Sean Tubbs said...

I was also tagged as Old Daddy.